
Push-back Rack

  • 产品名称: Push-back Rack
  • 产品分类: Push-back Rack
  • 公司名称: 山东通达润昌仓储设备有限公司
  • 型号规格:
  • 产品用途:
  • 产品价格: ¥0.0
  • 添加时间: 15/03/05
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  The push-back rack evolved from the pallet rack adopts the principle that the rail is combined with the pallet, is suitable for storing a large batch of and a small variety of goods, has high space utilization rate, and is flexible and convenient to store and deliver.

  Operating Principle of Push-back Rack

  When the goods is taken from the push-back rack, the first pallet is withdrawn and then the next pallet automatically slides to the pickup point to effectively utilize the single channel for storage and delivery, especially applicable for storage management in the goods staging area. Compared with ordinary racks, the push-back rack can improve the ground utilization rate by around 60%. The safety and operation efficiency of the push-back rack are higher than that of the drive-in rack, so that the push-back rack can be used by matching with the reach forklift or the counter balanced forklift, and the operating requirements of the forklifts for the push-back rack are lower than that for the drive-in rack.

Push-back Rack产品热销城市:济南,青岛,烟台,威海
点击次数:   更新时间:15/03/05 09:29:03   【打印此页】   【关闭

山东通达润昌仓储设备有限公司 鲁ICP备15005300号-2    公司地址:济南市历下区解放路112号    联系方式:0531-66890958 / 66890959  18663725711

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