

点击次数:   更新时间:19/11/06 16:28:11     来源:www.tdrccc.com关闭分    享:
If the enterprise transforms the driving rack into the shuttle truck rack system, it can make the best use of the original rack system and greatly reduce the cost of the transformation. Because the general structure of the two kinds of rack systems is the same, the transformation is relatively simple, only need to connect the original rack with crossbeams, lay tracks on the corridors between the racks, and use them. The shuttle truck will replace the original driving forklift.
It is now known that the three-dimensional storage of the block-controlled shuttle truck rack includes materials such as holding the three-dimensional rack and two sets of transmission lines. Rail lifting and storage materials are set at the input and output sides of the shelf respectively. The insulated outer rack is separated from the inside of the platform by the insulated laneway around the thermal insulated plate to form different storage. In the storage area, the heat insulation plate on the upper part of the platform is equipped with an environmental control device corresponding to all the storage areas, as well as the heat insulation plate and platform on the side of the platform entrance and exit. In different temperature and humidity environments, the installation of the heat insulation plate is simple and the application efficiency is high.
Shandong Shelf Factory
Nowadays, the heavy shuttle truck racks are adjacent to the two rows of heavy shuttle trucks arranged on the guide rail. The current shelf trucks use high-strength shuttle trucks with high-strength automatic control system, which can use remote control to speed up the storage and removal of goods. This structure has changed the heavy goods in the past. The storage method greatly improves the use of warehouses and reduces labor costs. At present, shuttle truck racks with tray guides are disclosed, including a pair of guides in the rack row opposite the corresponding installation body. The guide surface of the guide tray is set in each guide body. The carrier guides the invention, and has simple structure, easy preservation and protection ring. Installation in time to improve efficiency and reduce equipment wear.
The types, quantities and loads of stored goods require the selection of shelves with corresponding raw materials, and the shelf planning should be carried out according to the scale of the turnover box; the traditional or new shelves should be selected according to the needs of storage management, the cost and economic benefits of the shelves in the warehouse should be considered, the shelf orientation should be reasonably placed, and the uniform large and thin turnover box progressive warehouse should be selected as far as possible. Housing utilization rate.
The organization of shelves should be able to satisfy the requirements of different product sizes, make full use of the advantages of flexible turnover boxes, ensure the convenience of goods out of warehouse and in warehouse, and suit the accessing operation of supporting machinery together.
If the enterprise transforms the driving rack into the shuttle truck rack system, it can make the best use of the original rack system and greatly reduce the cost of the transformation. Because the general structure of the two kinds of rack systems is the same, the transformation is relatively simple, only need to connect the original rack with crossbeams, lay tracks on the corridors between the racks, and use them. The shuttle truck will replace the original driving forklift.


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